This is a saddening indicator of how far the climate debate has fallen – McCain on Climate: Popout Gingrich on Climate: Popout Contrast it with this – Presidential hopeful Tim Pawlenty: Popout Chairman of the House Energy and Environment Committee Fred Upton: Popout Sad. Progressives are on firm, factual ground with climate but need to […]
A quote no-one in D.C. has ever heard:
“Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position. But certainty is an absurd one.” – Voltaire
Cleantech saves soldiers’ lives
The military is the one area where government spending on R&D is tolerated by the GOP. Republicans tried to gut the Department of Energy’s hugely successful ARPA-E program during the last budget fight, but left DoD’s DARPA virtually untouched. But Defense is picking up the slack by demonstrating a practical application of clean energy: to […]