How oil companies recieve billions in tax breaks

President Obama proposed scrapping $4.5 billion in subsidies for oil companies in the State of the Union, suggesting the monies might be put to better use as incentives for clean energy. Presidents have been trying to do this for decades – even former oilman George W. Bush tried to shut off the spigot, but to no […]

Repost from NYTimes: Less than 50 years of oil left, HSBC warns

Less than 50 Years of Oil Left, HSBC Warns By JOHN COLLINS RUDOLF The world may have no more than half a century of oil left at current rates of consumption, while surging demand from the developing world threatens to create “very significant price rises” before substitutes like biofuels can serve as viable alternatives, the […]

Pace of innovation accelerating in Clean Tech

I came across these two articles demonstrating the rapid pace of technical improvement in clean energy. In spite of all the bad news from the debt deal (funding cuts for clean energy research), at least we’ll see returns from previous investments. A lot of the breakthroughs below come from innovation in academic settings. More and […]

Romney talks sense on climate

Mitt Romney surprised a lot of folks this weekend by jumping off the climate-denial bandwagon. This probably makes him more appealing to independents, but might give candidates like Newt Gingrich (climate change is “the newest excuse to take control of lives” by “left-wing intellectuals”) more room with right-leaning primary voters. On a similar note, voters […]

CAPper Kate Gordon gets big love from Nat Geo

Kate Gordon got a huge shout out from National Geographic’s The Great Energy Challenge today. Mike Casey essentially casts her debate as the definitive blueprint for the defense and advocacy of clean energy. My time at CAP ends tomorrow and being here for the inception of this coherent platform has been a tremendous privilege. The world is […]

Resurgence of climate denial

This is a saddening indicator of how far the climate debate has fallen – McCain on Climate: Popout Gingrich on Climate: Popout Contrast it with this – Presidential hopeful Tim Pawlenty: Popout Chairman of the House Energy and Environment Committee Fred Upton: Popout Sad. Progressives are on firm, factual ground with climate but need to […]