President Obama proposed scrapping $4.5 billion in subsidies for oil companies in the State of the Union, suggesting the monies might be put to better use as incentives for clean energy. Presidents have been trying to do this for decades – even former oilman George W. Bush tried to shut off the spigot, but to no […]
Pace of innovation accelerating in Clean Tech
I came across these two articles demonstrating the rapid pace of technical improvement in clean energy. In spite of all the bad news from the debt deal (funding cuts for clean energy research), at least we’ll see returns from previous investments. A lot of the breakthroughs below come from innovation in academic settings. More and […]
CAPper Kate Gordon gets big love from Nat Geo
Kate Gordon got a huge shout out from National Geographic’s The Great Energy Challenge today. Mike Casey essentially casts her debate as the definitive blueprint for the defense and advocacy of clean energy. My time at CAP ends tomorrow and being here for the inception of this coherent platform has been a tremendous privilege. The world is […]
USA Today blasts climate deniers
USA Today isn’t known for being a hugely political paper. It usually reports the news right down the middle and doesn’t get called out on Fox News for being part of the “Mainstream Liberal Media” cabal. Which is one of the reasons it was the number one newspaper by circulation until last year (since eclipsed […]
Wind and Solar among top ten thriving industries – WSJ
According to the Wall Street Journal, Wind and Solar are among the top ten thriving industries in America. The wind industry grew at 17% in the last decade and Solar grew at 2.7%, but they’re forecasted to grow at 11.2% and 7.9% respectively in the next six years. Sector Revenue 2010 (in millions) Growth 2000-2010 […]
Huntsman on climate science
Finally, a GOPer with a rational view on climate change and the science behind it. From an interview with TIME: This is an issue that ought to be answered by the scientific community; I’m not a meteorologist. All I know is 90 percent of the scientists say climate change is occurring. If 90 percent of the […]
Cleantech saves soldiers’ lives
The military is the one area where government spending on R&D is tolerated by the GOP. Republicans tried to gut the Department of Energy’s hugely successful ARPA-E program during the last budget fight, but left DoD’s DARPA virtually untouched. But Defense is picking up the slack by demonstrating a practical application of clean energy: to […]