Less than 50 Years of Oil Left, HSBC Warns By JOHN COLLINS RUDOLF The world may have no more than half a century of oil left at current rates of consumption, while surging demand from the developing world threatens to create “very significant price rises” before substitutes like biofuels can serve as viable alternatives, the […]
CAPper Kate Gordon gets big love from Nat Geo
Kate Gordon got a huge shout out from National Geographic’s The Great Energy Challenge today. Mike Casey essentially casts her debate as the definitive blueprint for the defense and advocacy of clean energy. My time at CAP ends tomorrow and being here for the inception of this coherent platform has been a tremendous privilege. The world is […]
Huntsman on climate science
Finally, a GOPer with a rational view on climate change and the science behind it. From an interview with TIME: This is an issue that ought to be answered by the scientific community; I’m not a meteorologist. All I know is 90 percent of the scientists say climate change is occurring. If 90 percent of the […]